Car Batteries & Diagnostics
If the engine is slow to crank or the starter sounds weak, frequent jump starts are needed, or the battery itself doesn't look like it's in good condition, it's best to run it past your local mechanic to see if you need a new one. We can sell and fit car batteries and Light commercial and 4WD Batteries on Saturday mornings at our workshop in North West Auckland.
Common reasons for battery depletion:
- Age
- Extreme temperatures
- Leaving electrical components when the car isn't running
- Frequent short trips
There might be other vehicular issues that cause it to deplete, or the battery itself could be defective.
We supply skilled technicians to help choose the best battery for your vehicle if you're looking at having a new one installed. Otherwise, our friendly team offers a diagnostics service so we can let you know the condition of your battery; good for older batteries if you're starting to get worried how much longer it has.
Inquire with us using the form below, or call us at 09 412 9908.

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We have over 110 Auto Super Shoppes available to service your vehicle. It’s a known fact that regular vehicle servicing reduces the chance of major car part failures and avoids costly repairs.