Auto Super Shoppe Academy


13B Piermark Drive
Albany 0632

Opening Times

8am - 4pm

Monday to Friday

Closed on public holidays

Open Days and Intakes

Here you can see our upcoming open days and next intakes. If our open days don't work for you, feel free to contact us to see if we can show you around at a different time.

0800 Auto Academy0800 288 6222 |

Upcoming Open Days:

Wednesday the 18th of September
3.00pm - 6.00pm

Drop in and check out our learning space
including on site workshops and classrooms

Located at 13b Piermark Drive, Albany, Auckland

Intake dates:


Monday 30th of September - Taking enrolments now

Monday 18th of November - TBC

OPEN DAY - Wednesday, 18th of September

Make an enquiry

We have over 110 Auto Super Shoppes available to service your vehicle. It’s a known fact that regular vehicle servicing reduces the chance of major car part failures and avoids costly repairs.  

*So we can send you a SMS if required
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