Car Battery Johnsonville
Car batteries are a common cause of issues with car breakdowns.
Auto Super Shoppe Johnsonville are an authorised Century Car Battery stockist and have battery trained technicians to help in deciding which car battery is right for your vehicle.
They also have the latest digital tester for car batteries which provides a print out of how much life is left in the battery. It's a good idea to get your car battery tested before heading out of town on holiday, so contact Auto Super Shoppe Johnsonville to arrange a check.
You will find Auto Super Shoppe Johnsonvilles mechanical services particularly convenient if you live or work around the following areas:
Johnsonville, Newlands, Churton Park, Ngaio, Khandallah, Paparangi, Woodridge, Ohariu, Grenada.

Enquire or Book Now
We have over 110 Auto Super Shoppes available to service your vehicle. It’s a known fact that regular vehicle servicing reduces the chance of major car part failures and avoids costly repairs.