WOF Dunedin City
A Warrant of Fitness or WOF is required every six months for vehicles 6 years or older, and every 12 months for newer vehicles.
All Auto Super Shoppes members have fully qualified Warrant of Fitness inspectors. All WOF inspectors are fully experienced in vehicle mechanics and servicing. They complete regular updates and liaise with New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) on all WOF requirements.
If our WOF inspectors find any issues with your vehicle, the repair work can be completed onsite quickly and efficiently by our team of technicians. Your vehicle will then be re-inspected and a WOF issued.
You will find Auto Super Shoppe Dunedin City's mechanical services particularly convenient if you live or work around the following areas:
South Dunedin, Dunedin City, Mornington, Caversham, Kensington
Did you know?
It’s a good idea to combine your WOF and vehicle service, because WOF inspections do not cover all aspects of your vehicle. For example - engine, clutch, gearbox and differential; lubricant levels and condition; brake pad thickness or life expectancy and paint work condition and rust in non-structural areas are not checked in VTNZ Warrant of Fitness inspections, but they can be checked as part of a vehicle service.

Enquire or Book Now
We have over 110 Auto Super Shoppes available to service your vehicle. It’s a known fact that regular vehicle servicing reduces the chance of major car part failures and avoids costly repairs.